One’s life is dependant on others.One cannot live his life in his own ways. He has to follow the rules and fundamentals of the society. He has to or rather force to observe its ethics and principles and code of conduct. He is ever bound with its formality.
Like, someone is not in mood to celebrate any festival for the crisis or bad events , He has to observe for its culture and values.People are so zero in on that there is no escape route out of it.
Why I have to observe the tradition ? why I am forced to do a particular event, when I am not in mood? Why I have to celebrate any festival say (Diwali), when I am incurring heavy losses in business?. Is this a tradition or mundane helps me in my personal matters. News always comes for politicians, about their deaths, medical etc etc Why not for our common people.
One has that right or rather one should change their belief that festival celebration only takes place when a person is in mood to do so. If I incur huge gains I will declare bonus to my staff and celebrate Diwali.
So, Please freak out from wordly mandane to live your life as per your principles.
Take a laxative. Take two.
Washed down with hemlock.
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