Good Speaker is the one who Preaches to give Speech

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hi Folks, I could not wait to tell or rather very eager to inform you that all which happens to be a seminar, conference, Trade fairs, Get Together, Speech, Summons are held to show or to teach a good path to one 's life. The preacher who address to their followers on any issues related to one's life, points out the defects and rectify or gives the solution in general to thier followers on any subjects which relates to them.

Whether these leaders, preachers really implements the morality in their own life or rather they are there only to come up with their shows and to narrate their noble and divine ideas to the public in general. The ideas and values becomes noble not only to share and communicate with others but to make those ideas to incorporate in our own daily life.

I have come across with many leaders and organisers who are unscrupulous and they are there only for the role to give speeches and arrange seminars. If one to give any sppeeches on morality or spirituality, they have to check themselves first whether those moralities are presnt in them. It is very easy to give advice to others but it is very difficult to incorporate those advice in ones life.

I attended a seminar on health and holistic approach, I got so stuck and amazed with the speaker for their noble and divine speeches. I personally got so emotional to thanks them for giving those noble ideas on the health & holistic approach. Then, there create a doubt in my mind to know whether these ideas and thoughts given by them, gets really implemented by them in their own life or rather they are there only for the speeches and advice.

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.