Travelling - Mania

Saturday, May 12, 2007

This is with reference to the trips done. People travel from one place to another with reference to holidays, relatives, native place or casual trips.

In journey we come across with many people and make friendship with them. We become so close that we get indulged with them and we cannot like by leaving them aside. Whereever we go we take with them. I remember my honey moon trip to Mahableshwar there we came across with a couple whose nature was very similar to us.

We used to had Lunch & dinner with them and for the sight seeing also we two couples were together. We used to share our feelings and opinions about our martial life and other issues with them. How we had spend those golden days that when I recollect those memories I really feel to get back those days again in my life. Really one can get very close to each other especially durng the journey.

There were many trips there we had done afterwards. Not to mention those trips where we made the friends in train journey. What had happened afterwards that all these freindships turned futile. They were the friends only with the journey and when journey got over they didnt remember and had gone to their real life.

Trips and journeys are forgetable, but the sweet memories spend with someone is not easily forgetabble and to retain those memories one has to keep in touch with those journey friends to make those memories in to reality.

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


Santosh said...


its real story, i think its my own idea you have placed in a very simple nad lovely manner, jourey is journey, many come close and goes far but the memmories remain as it. i do have well experience in my college trek and when i was a jounior instructor of mumbai university.