Silent is Bliss

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hi Folks. Todays world is very dramatic and artificial. there is no true and perfect relationship. There always lie unscrupulous and disorted tie ups. People today are very much immune to routines and forcibly living their life not for the sake of thier own but for others.

Happiness and bliss has gone from this world. People tends to remain happy from outside but in their uncouncious mind sorrow and sins settles. Selfishness, greatness, arrogantness always settles in our mind and therefore the result comes that peace has completely wiped out from our life.

Silent is the bliss. Silent or rather peace makes the mind relaxes and gains the intellectual. I can narrate an example of one of my friend who always remain happy and cheerful in whatever the circumstances he meets me. I asked the reason for this about his youthfulness and gentleness. He told me I take eveything to a stride and doesnt get involved in an unimportant issues. I free my mind from all the worries which comes as an obstacles. Obstacles prevents your mind to develop and futher degenrates in making new ideas. His business got developed so much day by day now he is earning crores of rupees.

He always fufils the demands of others., Like he always give raise to his employees as per their desires. If he opposed and objects his opponents he would make his mind tense and confuse.In such senerio his mind gets rotates or retaliates with his past issues rather developing new thoughts and ideas.

Secondly, he always wants to detach himself from others. He always like to remain reserve and lonely. He likes loneliness very much as he gains bliss from loneliness, as loneliness is always be there when there is a silent. He defines loneliness as meditation for developing ourself and to remain content with others. It is rather to put in different way that silent is minds yoga where you come in touch or contact with God.

Today no one gets the time to remain with oneself completely in isolation. Eveybody has to come in contact with one and another. Our minds works for every hour except at sleep. So one has to devote atleast 5 to 10 minutes away from this mundane to rejenuavate our inner self so as to gain bliss. The good example is take 10 minutes nap in the afternoon or rather do your prayers or take a lone brisk walk or sit in isolation to make you free from mundane and keep you fresh and lively.

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

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