Hi Folks ! Time plays a very important role in ones life. Once time has gone you will be looser. You cannot recall your past time back. A perfect man does all his work at an accurate time. He is very efficient and properly handles and tackles his task at correct time.

Time management does become a hour of subject matter. I have seen many person who always complain about time. They in fact don't have any time for any issues. They always crawl upon for any work and could not complete at an exact time. They even dont have a time for their food. It is all sheer nonsense and could not be said to be a perfect and manageble man. A man does manage himself for his no complain of time. He does all his work at a proper time and thus ready for the new work to be carried upon.
I have seen many of my friends who doesn"t have a time and always complain that time is flying away like anything and could not be able to accomplish their task. There should be a solution for that, I understand that thier vocation needs atleast 10 hours of work and not to say the time goes for travelling to and fro from office & residence. Its really a very high time to see and allocate and to give time to all the issues without only concentrating only at one partyicular issues.
The rules to be followed for an effective time planning are :-
1 ) Change of Habits and life Styles, stay away for time being to your daily routines and set
some time for the new issues.
2 ) Delegating those areas that are less important.
3 ) Avoid personal visits and clear your doubts and work on the telephone itself.
4 ) Set your goals and agendas for your forth coming days as to avoid wastage of timings .
5 ) In Short Delegation, Planning setting priorities, staying away from your trivial work and
setting agendas are useful skills that can help anyone.

Time management does become a hour of subject matter. I have seen many person who always complain about time. They in fact don't have any time for any issues. They always crawl upon for any work and could not complete at an exact time. They even dont have a time for their food. It is all sheer nonsense and could not be said to be a perfect and manageble man. A man does manage himself for his no complain of time. He does all his work at a proper time and thus ready for the new work to be carried upon.
I have seen many of my friends who doesn"t have a time and always complain that time is flying away like anything and could not be able to accomplish their task. There should be a solution for that, I understand that thier vocation needs atleast 10 hours of work and not to say the time goes for travelling to and fro from office & residence. Its really a very high time to see and allocate and to give time to all the issues without only concentrating only at one partyicular issues.
The rules to be followed for an effective time planning are :-
1 ) Change of Habits and life Styles, stay away for time being to your daily routines and set
some time for the new issues.
2 ) Delegating those areas that are less important.
3 ) Avoid personal visits and clear your doubts and work on the telephone itself.
4 ) Set your goals and agendas for your forth coming days as to avoid wastage of timings .
5 ) In Short Delegation, Planning setting priorities, staying away from your trivial work and
setting agendas are useful skills that can help anyone.
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