Hi Folks, I"ll Discuss today about how to remain static, spiritual in your life. Spiritual people are always satisfy and happy from inside. They are melodious and spend a luxurious life. I have seen many poor people always happy. They are self contented with their basic necessities and they never cry for more. More really curse you and makes ones life miserable. Why more, if you are happy from inside with your present situation you need not be so eager to run for more or some or other. 
This some or other will be an added advantage or benefit for you if you can adjust or rather satisfy or rather more happy with your present scenerio. One has not to be arrogant and not to be boast of your status. One of my friends always tends to say whenever someone asks him about his business and standard of living. He gutters and remarks with an pleasent note that by the grace of GOD I am very happy and thankful to GOD for giving me such a nice and wonderful life.
He always prays to GOD not for his achievement and advancement but thanking him for his present life and wants to ever remain in this status and begging him for the sinful deeds which he mistakenly did from his unknown senses. A beggar who was so hungry not even getting food and water for so many days and let it to be put aside for not having his clothes to wear. In this shabby condition he atleast thanks to GOD for giving this air to breathe.
We have to learn this lesson that if one become spiritual and follow the good deeds with positive thinking and with attachment to GOD one gets ample of energy to remain patience, righteousness, gentleness, positivness, straightness in building the relationship with others. A yogi is not at all affected with the sceneraio going around it. His mind and soul are in the tune melodious tune with the almighty.
So need to practice a real meditation is first to have your own insight to check out your loopholes and slowly slowly with dfue prayers and self meditation can burn those negativoity. Once when negativity will disappear then there comes with a slow and slight tune of happiness and joy in the form of your lifestyle. You would feel happy with small issues and with your present surroundings. Forget about delicious foods and lifestyles. You would even feel with a great taste Simple DAL BHAT chappati and rice.
So why there is so hoopla with more and more or happen to be grow more in your life . Wanna achieve your success and make yourself happy with the present situation and see even a slight gain you get will create you more happy and delightful from inside.

This some or other will be an added advantage or benefit for you if you can adjust or rather satisfy or rather more happy with your present scenerio. One has not to be arrogant and not to be boast of your status. One of my friends always tends to say whenever someone asks him about his business and standard of living. He gutters and remarks with an pleasent note that by the grace of GOD I am very happy and thankful to GOD for giving me such a nice and wonderful life.
He always prays to GOD not for his achievement and advancement but thanking him for his present life and wants to ever remain in this status and begging him for the sinful deeds which he mistakenly did from his unknown senses. A beggar who was so hungry not even getting food and water for so many days and let it to be put aside for not having his clothes to wear. In this shabby condition he atleast thanks to GOD for giving this air to breathe.
We have to learn this lesson that if one become spiritual and follow the good deeds with positive thinking and with attachment to GOD one gets ample of energy to remain patience, righteousness, gentleness, positivness, straightness in building the relationship with others. A yogi is not at all affected with the sceneraio going around it. His mind and soul are in the tune melodious tune with the almighty.
So need to practice a real meditation is first to have your own insight to check out your loopholes and slowly slowly with dfue prayers and self meditation can burn those negativoity. Once when negativity will disappear then there comes with a slow and slight tune of happiness and joy in the form of your lifestyle. You would feel happy with small issues and with your present surroundings. Forget about delicious foods and lifestyles. You would even feel with a great taste Simple DAL BHAT chappati and rice.
So why there is so hoopla with more and more or happen to be grow more in your life . Wanna achieve your success and make yourself happy with the present situation and see even a slight gain you get will create you more happy and delightful from inside.
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