Hi Folks ! Its very suprising to know that as a customer in the market you get host of facilities. You are in a position to choose from a wide range of products. For very money you spends it counts to your sellers. Depending upon the availability of the products or services that you demand.
I could not understand how the sellers survives, mean to say that had happened to me before a year back. I had gone to seee a movie in single silver screen which costs me around 60 bugs per ticket whereas in multiplexes it costs you around more than 100 bugs. I think even one can enjoy in the same way as the do enjoy in multiplexes.
One can shop in a big malls and even with the hawkers. You can get a wide range of stuff ranging from leather belt up to an electronics items from these hawkers with a slight lesser in quality as compared to big shops and malls. In todays world one can enjoy even with 10 bugs as compared to 1000/-bugs but slight in a change of quality.
Thanks to a varied credit cards floating in the market for which you can shop as many stuff for a credit period of more days. I personally shop with my credit card for which I save a meagre amount everyday to finish with that limited period of time. I spend and enjoy my every movies in multiplexes rather than single theatres which was cheaper earlier to me .Now it costs me around Rs 5 to 7 everyday for 25 days of the credit period of my credit card.
Customers today can bargain for the better products and quality at affordable prices. Not to say of manufacturers today even traders and retailers offer thier customers reward points for their purchases for which they can redeem against their offer gifts in addition to the credit period from thier credit cards. I even purchase my grocieries and provisional items not from shops but from big outlets having all this facilities as described above.
Low prices, Cheaper products, more discounts, free samples, credit period, EMIS instalments, Travellers cheques, reward points, ets makes a person to become expert in buying their products and services.
So let not to save but make to try to spend more so as to take more advantages from the market in every possible ways. Todays bank also spread their arms to give you cash through ATM for all 24 hrs.
Todays agenda of the market is to spend, spend and spend and live like a life of a kingsize.
I could not understand how the sellers survives, mean to say that had happened to me before a year back. I had gone to seee a movie in single silver screen which costs me around 60 bugs per ticket whereas in multiplexes it costs you around more than 100 bugs. I think even one can enjoy in the same way as the do enjoy in multiplexes.
One can shop in a big malls and even with the hawkers. You can get a wide range of stuff ranging from leather belt up to an electronics items from these hawkers with a slight lesser in quality as compared to big shops and malls. In todays world one can enjoy even with 10 bugs as compared to 1000/-bugs but slight in a change of quality.

Thanks to a varied credit cards floating in the market for which you can shop as many stuff for a credit period of more days. I personally shop with my credit card for which I save a meagre amount everyday to finish with that limited period of time. I spend and enjoy my every movies in multiplexes rather than single theatres which was cheaper earlier to me .Now it costs me around Rs 5 to 7 everyday for 25 days of the credit period of my credit card.
Customers today can bargain for the better products and quality at affordable prices. Not to say of manufacturers today even traders and retailers offer thier customers reward points for their purchases for which they can redeem against their offer gifts in addition to the credit period from thier credit cards. I even purchase my grocieries and provisional items not from shops but from big outlets having all this facilities as described above.
Low prices, Cheaper products, more discounts, free samples, credit period, EMIS instalments, Travellers cheques, reward points, ets makes a person to become expert in buying their products and services.
So let not to save but make to try to spend more so as to take more advantages from the market in every possible ways. Todays bank also spread their arms to give you cash through ATM for all 24 hrs.
Todays agenda of the market is to spend, spend and spend and live like a life of a kingsize.
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