A Nupital Ceremony

Thursday, December 02, 2010

This ceremony seems very odd to me. Naturally everybody likes to go to wedding tn greet the Bride and Groom. Everyone interacts with each other with thier fine wearing clothes and mouth watering receipes and desserts.

Here I say the actual exams starts both for bride and groom. Before the marriage both the families of bride and groom inquire with their freinds and relatives about their families, standard of living, Qualifications,financial back ground, status in the society, materialistics holding of a groom like whether he owns a flat in his own name, Whether he is doing bussiness of his own or whether he is in family bussiness.

His past history, his past history of his family, his history of his own brothers and sisters. Moreover in the first meeting a girl will say to a boy that she would no more be a housewife as she likes to have her own carrier. She looks the financial backround of a boy and the same thing goes with a boy whether he takes anything from her or from her family in the form of dowry.

Here the total idea only envelopes with the physical holdings or materialists. Here only the measurement of quantity takes place but not qualities.

Qualities do plays a very impotant part in life. Here one has to see whether a girl or a boy has the power to tolerate, has the power to control anger, has the power to understand each other, has the power to sacrifice for each other, has the power to adjust in any situation with each other, has the power of love with each other. love in the sense not of sex but love from heart and mind, has the power to help each other in the form of illness, undebtness, has the power of respect with thier in laws, has the girl has the power to treat her in laws as her own family members

It is been righly said that marriages are made in heaven. But here it is totally been messed up as all the vices in the form of anger, greed, attachment, ego takes place. Here all artificial relationship one will get. In wedding ceremony by wearing new clothes and apparels does not mean they are happy.

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.