We hear ed many times the news which are very difficult to listen or rather to get understand. It is out of perception, beliefs and intractable. One cannot understand how this can happen. We get amazed and shocked to hear the typical news and information.
We need to go insight of this problem and need to redress this suffering's and turmoil of this news. In today's world we get all types of news only related to sorrow, criticism, sufferings, hardships, corruption and exploitation. The world is now no more philantrophic in its nature. Everywhere and every now and than the disasters, untoward and catastrophe events happens which brings blues in to our life. Forget about natural calamities but man made calamities are very brutal and violent in nature.
I shall discuss of my personal incident which happened to me where all the roads and ways were chocked off at the deluge day. News were spread not to come out from your houses because the heavy rain happened to be for next twenty four hours except in case of an emergency. I managed to get an errand with my brother at coastal dock where the security prevented us not to go near. I regretted him and told that it would be better for me to die in the hands of nature.
Why to die in Trains, Buses, Taxis or rather any public places where man made bombs has been clandestinely placed. It is better to give our life to god.

I never get scared of death. Who wants to live in this dark and black world where life is full of dust and waste. Where people makes money in the name of religion, Where there is no respect for elders, no respect for parents and teachers, Artificial life, Kidnapping, Raping, Aassination, rampage and etc.
One has to lead a beautiful life with as much as love and caring from others. Life should be filled up with Joys and delight. There should be a flora and fauna in our surroundings. There should be a happy and great news when someone glue to their TV. Otherwise it would be very hard to live in this demons world.
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