Enchanting Mantras and Rosary does not make one to come near to God. What God wants do all they people knows. They only know to worship almighty one has to go to Temples, Gurudwara, Masjid, Mosques, Church, Fire Temples, Pagoda etc. Worship in the real sense is to make capable to ourself in such a way as you cannot swing your mood in any circumstances. Anger, Greed, Arrogant make the man Evil. God like only those who can empower with all these evils.
To remain calm and intellect is the prerequsite to come close to almighty. I can narrate the very good example of Mr Swami Vivekanand, Who once visited to British Council at London. To show his generousity and populace of him he never got annoyed when the Bhagwat Geeta was placed at the bottom of all the religious books. The Veteren Officer insulted him by telling that Bible is more Popular and believable than Bhagwat Geeta. That's Why it is been placed on the top of all religious books. 

Mr Swami Vivekanand did not lose his temper and he laughed and slowly he pushed the Bhagwat Geeta little to make all the books fall at one go. He explained and said that of on all the books bhagwat Geeta is the base or Foundation. If some one would there at his place he would make the situtation tense and wild and put unnecessary violent at the council. Everybody got admire with him and praised his intellect.
Even helping other in their rescue is the biggest prayers of all the prayers. Once in a temple the saint gone to a pool of water to have a bath for his session of mantras and artis to begin in a short time. When he saw the lady getting drowned in the pool, he abondoned his prayers for the sake of a lady to get her save from the death.
So be wanna become the children of God by only throwing the tantrums and becoming spiritual as shown in the above examples.
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