Saturday, April 19, 2008

Values of Proverbs, Slogans and Thought for Today

Hi Folks, I had come across with many slogans, proverbs, Thought for Today, Pearl of the Day and good sayings. I had read many sayings, proverbs that feels you good and to learn somethingfrom it and moreover it gives equanimity and peace in yourself.
Thought for the Day

Be true to yourself and be less concerned with what others

think of you.Don't accept thier defination of you,but grow into a

self defination of your own.

Slogans and proverbs are very good to read and understand, Have you ever imagine and thought or rather checked yourself from within that ever I had applied those thoughts readings, scriptures in my daily life.

It is very important to apply those thoughts in your daily life and see the results coming out of it. We observe our riligious rituals obediently but we failed to find out ever that preachings we keep in touch in our daily life or apply in our pratical approaches.

Religious festivals comes and go, but the impact of those festivals should always be there in our within.Festival practices us or rather making us to habitat those values which is imbided in it. But Today's man observes for thier own bwenefit and to its restricted period. When gone everything is gone.

Ramzan's and Friday's are very pious and precious to Muslims sects. Other days they don't consider as good as friday's and as such they indulge in to wrong doings and thus becoming ungrateful to themselves.

Slogans, Preachings, Thoughts for the Day, should always be there with you and has to apply whenever and wherever the situation demands. It is not to be placed or praised by writting down or mesmermising or to be put in a golden plate or rather to show off, but one has to apply it in their situation.

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.