The Creditworthiness of a Wealthy Person.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Hi Folks, This is wanna something related to show of to others in th form of attire, status, royality etc. I don't understand is that it counts to others in quality. Quality does not mean to lead a comfortable life or rather to put an image of an elite to others. Money, richness cannot judge the worthiness of a person.

On the Contrary they are very worst than to the ordinary people. They (Big tycoons) are very greddy and miser in their dealings. They are only there to accumulate weath but cannot give to others in the form of donation, charity or by helping others in the monetary form. They are there only to spend money on gambling, discotheques, Horce Races, Kitty parties, Buying all prestigious and valuable stuff. They make cry to their employees, workers by making them helpless and extracting very hard and more work from them.

I thought that they are ever happy in their life than to our ordinary people, but I was wrong they live a very hectic life and thay are always puzzle with their life. Their business mostly of them goes on a rolling basis. They are in a deep debt with the banks and financial institutions. Inspite of this they dont understand but always wants to show their richness by making a show of them with buying new bunglows, flats, large scale parties and wedding, so their reputation does not get disturbed among their circle.

They take due care of their prestige and status and they always maintain their status in the market and in their family at the expense of their life. They are very poor and sad from inside and always feel insecure with their life. What is the use of this wealth which cannot give happiness and comfort. They are very egostic and never manage themselves in low key areas.

They does not get a sound sleep but always getting worry with some sort or other. With this their heath gets affected and gets attached with many dreadful diseases. More the person is wealthy more he is close to diseases. I had seen many posh people consume more medicines than to hard working labour jobs. This is a lesson to you that money makes a person arrogant he loses his own identity and treating others as slaves. He becomes restful and so he gets caught by many diseases.

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

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