Life After the Age of 35 years.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Life seems to be very miserable and confusing at the time of starting carrers, application for jobs, marriages, after marriages and then after the future of our kids. It is never ending process and continues. It is non stop and we people are endulged in fulfilling our responsibilties.

It is more to be complex and comprehend at the beginning of our teenagers as we had finished schooling, then comes for addmission in colleges and universities. After than that the confusion and stress comes for the jobs. After than that the choosing the correct life partners than the housing problems, family affairs, and other stuff. After that kids and their education. We never become tension free in life as it continues one after the another.

But as I said the life becomes very smooth and comfortable after the age of 35 years since all the process which he has to get completed has been almost done and that to successfully. The man looks more smart and handsome as compared to teenagers as he is very well secured with his life,wife, jobs & childrens as exceptional some are not happy with their jobs, family, financial problems as it is a different issues.

If all these above process can go along with the time and as he gets good results out of it so the man is complete in himself accurately after the age of only 35. As been said there are ups and downs in life and as rarely someone gets benefits at the age of 35,. I think only the Luckiest person gets happiness at this age otherwise there is a roaring and crying with some or other sorts of issues. A man doesn't gets all the things in a good ways. He suffers from one sort or other, like he is there with a good job but not good wife and vice versa and there the frustutation begins.

Normally, at the age of 35 a man can complete the whole process properly as he gets the resources in a proper way, otherwise his life will always be in tense even at the age of 75.

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

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