Sometimes, to become an Extra Ordinary

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hi folks want to be a successful bussinessman ? Want to be a No 1 in your business ? Want to make your company grow? These are all related questions that comes in to foray while perspecting the above issues.

Normally, the people tends to go in a systematic ways and approach to achieve the above targets like costs minimisation, quality control, time management, automation, labour costs etc.
These are all prime factors that has to be there for which there is no way out and why not, one cannot oversee these factors.

Apart from the above factors there should be intense with the HRD Department which involves the administration and appproach towards its employees. Routine chores ammendment is fine with the management but besides these there should be more for which it contributes the overall growth and development of the company, like announces the special package for those who finishes their work for lesser time, outing, one day picnic for the staff, recretational activities, etc which could not be the part of their activities.

Inner cost minimisation and towards it if there is an increase in the morale and efficiecy in emplooyees then there is a bound of growth for the company. The sense of belonging has to be created in the minds of the employees .

Like wise in our personal life also there doesn't remain harmony with our family members.
Love, trust, mutual understanding had foregone and they live as they are forced to live with each other. The bond of relationship has to be remove, otherwise it is very difficult to live in the same house. One has to be open with each other as under prescribed boundaries and limits.Besides, fulfilling our daily chores with each other sometimes one has to become an extraordinary to create fun and thus to increase charm and love in one's relationship.

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.