Reduction in Wastages and Expenses.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Hi Folks, I met a dietician few days back to check my health status. That is another question of related health problems but she quoted a remark to me as soon as she checked my pulse rate that I am very managable person and I would not let the things go off in the air without looking in to it. Why not, We have to care our belongings, Our Financial Plans and strategies. Each Issues whether small or big cause you.

I came across with many people who always take the things on stride and they never hassle to see in to it and thus making an increase of wastages. One has to avoid wastages in terms of Money, Time , Energy, Labour and Expertise. You can take my example as well to develop this blog of mine I had spend 1,400 bugs and first my blog got stucked because of the fraudalent clicks on the google links. I got dissapointed but thanks to my courage and motivation I did not let goo off my money in waste. I had continued and started incorporatng other links on my sites.

I intially got confused what to write on my blog as an article to make my blog continually going and moving. I struggled and maked hard efforts and studied other blogs too and therby gaining some sort of knowledge I continued my blogging and today as of now I had finished my one year with this blogger party.

I notice from others they always complain of time. They dont have time for nothing. As In my case I really dont understand about the time problems. If Interest stimulates in your mind than there is everything without any complains. I can full heartedly convinced that I had made proper use of money of 1400 bucks spend on making this block.

In big companies and Industries there is problem of wastages in terms of production, management, planning, organising etc and as if in the long run if these wastages are not put in to control then there is definately bound to shut that industry and organisation. To earn more means to avoid your wastages, or rather to convert your wastages in to some produstive use. Majority people thinks to grow more always in terms of money, Sales Turnver, Capital Markets but no more think to reduce their expenses and wastages.

Only intellegent and strong IQ level person has that expertise to reduce the wastages and expenses and thus shows the overall development.

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


Santosh said...


The intersting way you have describe it but what to tell about other as myself have not got a single buks after investing 1200 buck. Can you help me as you are familiar to by blog.