I and GOD

Friday, August 31, 2007

Well, This is to tell you all about the relationship of me and GOD. I make the companion of god in all my work. I feel the presence of god and he is there with me always. I use to remember him everytime and everywhere and I churn myself with his name. I do perform religious rituals, beliefs and prayers.

I determined that the powers and love from GOD cannot be obtained in worship rather than by making god as our close associate. We have to remember him from our conscience and insight of our deep knowledge. We should first understand him, his existence, his powers and his likings. By worsipping and perfomining rituals does not make ourself pure and generous. We have to be pure from our soul.

Soul is only the eternity that can encompasses the powers and light of God. To enlighten ourself is to enlighten our soul. We are soul that is made up of accurate and concreate light which cannot be seen with our own eyes. The soul can be imagine only by its feelings and likings. The body is made up of matter which is corporeal and last with only its existence and it is the soul which exists for ever.

Soul changes its form from one to another as if we change clothes in our daily life. Soul takes one body in one birth and after the death of our perishable body, soul takes over another body and persists in that body until the death of that body.

God does not look our body which is a subject matter of substance but the soul. Soul has to be get interacted with our supreme father which is also a soul like what we are. But that soul is not ordinary soul and it is called supreme soul GOD. The interaction of Soul and Supreme Soul can only takes place through RAJA YOGA. This RAJAYOGA and the spiritual knowledge can only be given not by any other but rather than non other by GOD himself through the medium of common man's by incarnating in his body and giving the sermons and imparting the correct knowledge and identifying himself.

It is out of prieview of all the religions which only identifies their devotees and its sects only by its births. This is the soul world and knowledge and everybody is invited to be a path and parcel of this knowledge irrespective of any religion. This is been done through ISHWARYA VISHWA VIDHYALA BRAHMA KUMARIS where is Head Office is located at MT Abu and it has many branches all over the world.

You can visit their websites at http://www.brahmakumaris.com/ to get other information like stree free life, Copying with negativity, Healthy and Wealthy life, etc.

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

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