Life Full of Corruption and Injustice.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

This is related to uncoventional issue which really matters us and confuse us. We probably have a respest and etiquette to our elders, leaders, teachers, priests and of a person with high profiles. We consider them as our guide and moreover protests in our rescue. We impart knowledge from them and have a due respect for them. They play ideal roles in our life. We follow their paths and teachings and incorporate in our life to defend oursef from obstacles.

Moreover, Someone treat them as if they are dietes and starts worshipping them. I came across with our grat superstar Amitabh bachhan treating him as diety and starts worshipping him. What absurd is like this, Is he will play the role of a diety, he himself gets deeply borrowed in the world of sin. One can make somone ideal and follow his path if that person is free from all worldly mundane of life and he is completely pure and virgin in all respects.

But as been told by our elders and leaders that to give respect to our parents, aged people and take the guidance from them, as can be said that they have seen the life and they know more than us. This is OK but if this situation gets reverse and instead of giving examples to others and if they themself doing sins and concieve the bad character? The world will become best if you yourself gets improve and make an example of yourself to your youngsters.

Religions Priests, saints, and leaders follow us the good path towards better living and building up a good chgaracter and if these saints gets spoiled and concieve the bad character then where the people will go for the moral education and divine knowledge. I always used to give good respect to my elders and high status people, but suddenly I lose faith and trust as they themselves are so bad in their dealings and character that instead of touching thier feat for bestowel they are not in a place to take advice.

So the same way goes with the religion and their priests. Here also malfunctioning takes place in their dealings and superior people always gets their hands first. There are sacred teachings in all divine books and knowledge but whether the said teachings have been put in to practce by them, No. This is to only make the people to show and only for sermons and speeches.

There is no purity, justice, honesty, solacecity and on the contrary there takes the place of arrogantness, jeolousy, enimity etc. In this place it is very difficult to judge as to whom to give regards and respect. It is immaterial to give respest to the person of high profiles and elders.
No one is to be consider to be pure and honest. Where the normal person will go for justice as the courts and laws have become frudalent and moreover many play badful tactics in the name of religion.

Injustice... Can I change it?
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The world isn’t fairI’ve heard some complainThe injustice in the worldCould drive a man insane.Some are paid unfairlyOthers disrespectedWhile others who don’t deserve itAre constantly protected.Racism runs rampantThought those days were past!Hatred is the only thingThat most people think can last.Death and taxed are certainBut is the unfairness just as sure?How much more can common manBe pressured to endure?Those who need medical helpAre denied it every day.Then those who are hypochondriacsKnow exactly what to say.Male assistants are hired At a higher rate of payThan those whom they work underIf it’s a woman of modern day.Murders get off Scott freeIf they are attached to fame.While citizens with minor violationsGet treated the exact same.What happened to the class?The respect we all deserve?Should we all just stand and take itAs they grind at our last nerve?Amanda Martin

K.F. Sahiwala

Author & Editor

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